The results are sorted by name and paginated by default.
Attributes to filter tags
Attributes to manage results pagination
import { buildClient } from '@datocms/cma-client-node';async function run() {const client = buildClient({ apiToken: '<YOUR_API_TOKEN>' });// this only returns the first page of results:const uploadSmartTags = await client.uploadSmartTags.list({filter: {query: 'foobar'},page: {offset: 200,limit: 20}});uploadSmartTags.forEach((uploadSmartTag) => {console.log(uploadSmartTag);});// this iterates over every page of results:for await (const uploadSmartTag of client.uploadSmartTags.listPagedIterator({filter: {query: 'foobar'}})) {console.log(uploadSmartTag);}}run();
{id: '42',name: 'building'}